研究结论:(1)目前高速铁路长大隧道照明常用的几种光源中,LED灯是综合性能最优的电光源,宜在工程中优先采用;(2)对于高速铁路单洞双线隧道照明,宜选用25 W LED灯沿隧道两侧交错布置,水平间距为 30 m; (3)对于高速铁路单洞单线隧道照明,宜选用25 W LED灯沿隧道单侧布置,水平间距为2D m; (4)该研究成果可为高速铁路隧道工程的照明设计提供借鉴。
Abstract:Research purposes:This paper chooses tunnel illuminations of several high-speed railways as examples of field measurement. The implementation effect of original design scheme is tested through the field measured data. On the basis of that,the mathematical model is established in order to optimize design scheme. It plans to choose a reasonable lighting layout distance and illuminant types which can fulfill the average illumination and minimum illumination requirements of relative standards,meanwhile reduce the number of lights and electric power of each light. It tries to get the aim of economic and energy saving under the premise of ensuring the tunnel safe,repair and maintenance,and emergency evacuation.
Research conclusions:Among the lights used in present high-speed railway tunnel illumination,LED is best one and should be used in projects in priority. To double-tracked-single-hole tunnel for high-speed railway,it is best to choose 25 W LED lights which are staggered arranged along the two sides of the tunnel,and the horizontal spacing is 30 m. To single-tracked-single-hole tunnel for high-speed railway,it is best to choose 25W LED lights which are arranged along one side of the tunnel,and the horizontal spacing is 20 m. The results can provide reference for the lighting design of the tunnel engineering of the high-speed railway.
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