Analysis of the Cooling Potential of a Passenger Lounge under Natural Ventilation in Northern China
MA Jiang-yan1, DENG Bao-shun1, QIAO Xuan-ming2, FENG Lian2
1.China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Xi'an, Shanxi 710043, China; 2. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China
Abstract:Abstract:Research purposes: In order to use the local climate resources maximally and reduce energy consumption of ventilation and air conditioning, on the base of the division of the cooling potential regions of the passenger lounge using natural ventilation in Northern China and evaluation criterion of thermal comfort in northern railway station under natural ventilation, Energy Plus soft is used to analyze the cooling potential of natural ventilation in the passenger lounge.
Research conclusions:Results show that the passenger lounge in Northern China can be divided into four cooling potential regions under natural ventilation: (1)The cooling potential under natural ventilation is very high in Region I, and the utilization time of natural ventilation is more than 90%. (2)The cooling potential is also high in Region II, while the utilization time of natural ventilation is more than 85%. (3) The utilization time of natural ventilation is between 60% and 85% in the medium cooling potential Region III. (4) The utilization time of natural ventilation is less than 68% in the low cooling potential Region IV. (5) The results can optimize in the design of passenger station building natural ventilation and provide theoretical basis for practical engineering design.
马江燕1 邓保顺1 乔宣铭2 冯 练2. 北方旅客站房自然通风降温潜力分析[J]. 铁道工程学报, 2015, 32(4): 96-.
MA Jiang-yan1, DENG Bao-shun1, QIAO Xuan-ming2, FENG Lian2. Analysis of the Cooling Potential of a Passenger Lounge under Natural Ventilation in Northern China. 铁道工程学报, 2015, 32(4): 96-.
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