Abstract:Research purposes: Through studying coordination design technology it is proposed what countermeasures should be taken by communication survey and design enterprise to improve the efficiency and quality of survey and design.
Research methods: The analyses are made for the necessity of coordination design for large-sized communication survey and design enterprise and the present situation of coordination design used at home and abroad, and the exploration is made on the method of coordination design applied in transportation survey and design according to the development trend of coordination design technology.
Research conclusions: It is suitable for large-sized communication survey and design enterprise to carry out the coordination design by four steps,namely(1)Based on the current network and related resources,a simple coordination design platform should be established to make loose coordination design for the purpose of exploring working mode.(2)A coordination design platform of high practical applicability , high technical performance,high integration and easy operation should be established to make coordination design according to the requirement of file coordination. (3)Based on the applicable software for the dominant profession,the standard should be worked out for the data interface with other professions to make up an integrated software for centralized management and transmission of data in making design with the different professions.(4)Through introducing BIM,the complete data standard should be worked out to transmit the information in real time for coordination design under condition of 3D design.
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[ 4] International standards [S/OL]. International Alliance for Interoperability. http: //www. iai-international. Org/Re Sourses /International Standards. Html.