Abstract:From the 1990s, there w as a rapid dev elopment of 3S tech niques, i. e. Remote Sensing ( RS) , Geog ra phical Info rmation System( GIS) and Global Po sitio ning Sy stem( GPS) , w hich dev elop a new pro pect for prev entiv e t rea tment of rai lway geolo gic di sasters in China. The paper giv es a novel thinking and proposes to establish a railw ay 3S spacial prev entiv e t reatment system o f geologic disaster info rmatio ns, taking the 3S techniques as the essentia l measures and emphasizing the spacial prev entive t rreatment and it s practicableness. Fo r forecast the time of occurrence o f the geologic disaster, a perfect new concept which is di fferent f rom the t raditional thinking has been pro posed. Here, no defini te time w ill be given fo r forecasting the time of occurrence of the geologic disaster, while the time co ncept i s relative and ra ndom.