Dynamics Modeling for Structure of Bridge Erecting Machine and Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics |
WU Xiao,LUO Wei,HU Xiao—le,ZHOU Xiao—ke |
Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: A dynamic model for the typical operating conditions of the bridge erecting machine is established through rational simplification and theoretical derivation to analyze the dynamic characteristics of bridge erecting machine for the purposes of providing the theoretical basis to improve the dynamic performance,optimize the structure and offer the technical support for developing the bridge erecting machine with good dynamic performance,light weight and low—cost.
Research conclusions: Based on the analysis of operating processes of JQ 900 series of bridge erecting machine with the finite element method,a dynamic model was established for the dangerous working condition of the bridge erecting machine.The dynamic model was simplified through the calculation and simulation of support stiffness of tire with the contact finite element method and energy method,and the calculation formula for natural frequency and corresponding vibrationl shape of bridge erecting machine were obtained.Compared with the calculated results of the finite element, the kinetic model Was verified.The new formula and corresponding vibration shape provide a theoretical basis for the dynamic optimal design of the beam structure of the bridge erecting machine.
Received: 28 March 2010
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