Comparison Research on Bridge Location for Multi-aperture Super-long Shanxi-Shaanxi Yellow River Super Large Bridge
LIU Jian-li
China Railway First Survey & Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Xi′an, Shanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: The Shanxi-Shaanxi Yellow River Super Large Bridge is one of the major projects in Datong-Xi′an Railway. Bridge location of this super large bridge is controlled by many factors, especially hydrology, environmental protection, and military installations. In order to make the comprehensive optimum scheme, this paper makes a elaborate analysis and comparison between bridge location and the style of main bridge, finally obtains a technically feasible, economically reasonable bridge location scheme.
Research conclusions:(1) After making a elaborate analysis and comparison between bridge location schemes, a reasonable recommended proposal is obtained which is technically feasible, economically reasonable, and easy to implement. (2) The achievement has been applied to Shanxi-Shaanxi Yellow River Super Large Bridge in Datong-Xi′an passenger dedicated line on July 7, 2014 and can provide reference for similar bridge constructions
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