Abstract:Research purposes: The introduction is given to the integrated structural perforrmanee of subgrade and foundation in design of high—speed railway,the explanation is offered to the support stiffness for subgrade surface and the the discussion iS made Oil the meaning in construction and inspection method of the support stiffness.
Research conclusions:The support stiffness for subgrade surface is an important parameter for analysis of ballastless track structures and also the key factor for matching the longitudinal stiffness of the foundation under ballastless track.It can reflect the structural support performance of the top surface of roadbed to the track structure surface and it is also as the requested index of the track structure for the subgrade structure.The support stiffness for subgrade suI'face can be controlled by optimal design of the vertical stiffness of the subgrade bedded system.The longitudinal stiffness of track can be adjusted and matching the stiffness of the subgrade with the other structure can be realized by optimal design of the vertical stiffness of the subgrades with different sections.The support stiffness for subgrade surface can be tested with loading plate and the area ofloading plate should be 1.0×1.0 m2 to 1.5×1.5 m2.
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