Abstract:Research purposes: Railway location is the most fundamental and important work in railway design,which is the overall work affecting the whole.Along with the improvement of railway technology standards and building technology of high bridge and long tunnel.great changes have taken place on the railway location concept.For hish—speed railway location design,more attention should be paid to engineering safety,environment and urban planning as well as coordination of resoume development,traffic,farmland and water conservancy facilities between each other,overall coordination with each other and globally economic rationality with more high and new technology applied shall be required,which is the overall design requirements for world—class high—speed railway and passenger dedicated line as well.In this respect,the quality of route location shall directly affect reliability,safety,technical feasibility,economic rationality and social admissibility of railway construction as well as development of railway and local economic sociality.It is therefore the first question to be valued for high—speed railway construction.Only proper route location concept established,world—class high—speed railway Can be constructed.
Research conclusions: Connecting with the main restraining factors to route location of hiish—speed railway,the route location principle concepts including geological location,priority site selection to major project,environment protection,planning,resource and Cross—section route location have been put forward in this paper,which emphasizes focusing on the major and free the minor while determining the alignment of railway,making a difference between key route and nonessential route,allocating the resources rationally to avoid waste.In route alternative,investment should be strictly controlled but not the sole factor taken into account.None but the route scheme with proper investment and optimization of social comprehensive benefit shall be optimal scheme.