Abstract:The t rain o perating speed in high-speed rai lway is usually ov er 200 km /h. Whi le raising speed o n ex isting rai lway s in China , the Jing-Hu High-Speed Railw ay wi ll be const ructed wi th running speed o f 250km /h and having a total leng th of 1307m. The technica l requirements for high-speed railway s a re much higher tha n that fo r o rdina ry rai lw ays. In the surv eying w o rks for the high-speed railw ays, the plane survey and the v ertical cont rol are of the fi rst impo rta nce for successful co nstructio n of a high-speed rai lwa y. The paper infers and demonst rates an accuracy issue for plane surv ey and v ertical co nt rol o f hig h-speed railw ay , fo r the purpo se of o ffering a theoretical basis for surv ey, desig n, const ruction and maintenance of o ur na tional high-speed railw ay.
鲁永辰. 高速铁路平面和高程控制[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1998, 15(4): 21-28.
LU Yongchen. PLANE SURVEY AND VERTICAL CONTROL OF HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1998, 15(4): 21-28.