Abstract:Based o n the ex periences of deepening the leading g eolo gical w orks in the const ructio n o f rai lway s, the paper expounds the basic mea sures for dev eloping the ex t ra-lead deeper geological w o rk. By practical ex perimental examples and their ef fects on rai sing the quality of rai lw ay surv ey a nd desig n, sev eral o pinio ns and sug gestio ns are proposed.
何振宁. 超前加深地质工作提高铁路勘测设计质量[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1998, 15(3): 84-88.
HE Zhenning. EXTRA-LEAD DEEPER GEOLOGICAL WORK FOR RAISING THE QUALITY OF RAILWAY SURVEY AND DESIGN. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1998, 15(3): 84-88.