Abstract:The Ankou la ndslide is a di luvial-fan deposit la ndsi lde a t the ent rance of a gully. Its g eolog y, surv ey and desig n, countermeasures during co nst ructio n and thei r ef fects are mainly introduced in this paper. Ba sed o n the plenty surv eying info rmatio ns and the practica l si tuatio ns rev ealed by removal cut during const ruction, the fo rmation, devo loping and ev olutional hi sto ry , sty le a nd characteri stic o f the Ankou landslide are ex plored in detai l. From the view point o f geo techno log y, concerned wi th the route selection and the di sposition of impo rtant bui ldings o n the section of a di luvial-fan depo si t landslide at the ent ra nce of the g ully, as
收稿日期: 1998-07-16
作者简介: 刘天哲 工程师 男36岁 铁道部第一勘测设计院秦岭特长隧道综合地质大队
刘天哲. 论安口滑坡的形成、发展及演变特征[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1998, 15(3): 100-105.
LIU Tianzhe. FORMATION, DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANKOU LANDSLIDE. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1998, 15(3): 100-105.