Abstract:The hy pabyssal ro ck is a kind o f special rock. There has been no defini te rule fo r determining the bea ring capaci ty o f thi s kind of rock by existing di fferent standards at home. A large amount o f data and info rmatio ns for the Tertiary rock at the Nanning Qingch uan Great Bridge hav e been obtained f rom ma ny measuring a nd testing metho ds, such as the compressio n test , the standard penet ra tion test , the dynamic penet ra tion and soil test, etc. Based on the above data a nd combined w ith the relativ e sta nda rds and document s, the conceptio ns and the metho ds for determining the subg rade bea ring capaci ty o f the hypaby ssa l rock a re pro posed in thi s paper. Finally , the sugg ested values fo r desig n are giv en.