Abstract:The pa per describes the ov erall structure of the computer - aided manag ement system fo r the engineering project s. The content s a nd the ef fects of the computer - aided manag ement during const ructing a railw ay engineering pro ject are ex plored preliminarily. The sugg estio ns fo r making the dev elop a nd the research w orks o f the computer- aided manag ement system fo r the rai lway engineering projects are also proposed.
顾保南,廖利钊,李海峰. 铁路工程项目建设中的计算机辅助管理[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1996, 13(4): 137-141.
Gu Bao nan Liao Li zhao Li Hai feng. COMPUTER- AIDEDMANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION OF RAILWAY ENGINEERING PROJECT. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1996, 13(4): 137-141.