Application and Analysis of Micropiles for Reinforcing a Expressway Cutting Slope
SUN Shu - wei1,ZHU Ben - zhen2,TAN Dong - sheng3
(1. China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing), Beijing 100083, China; 2. China Railway Group Limited, Beijing 100039,China; 3. Northwest Research Institute Co. Ltd of CREC,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China)
Abstract:Abstract: Research purposes: The traditional anti - slide piles are constructed by manual excavation, with long construction period and large amount of concrete masonry. It is difficult to be used for rapid reinforcement of road cutting slopes. For this purpose, the drilled micropiles are adopted in the K51 cutting slope of Guangyuan - Bazhong expressway. The general situation and design parameters of micropiles reinforcement engineering are introduced,and the reinforcing mechanism of micropiles with cap beam is analyzed by a series of numerical simulation. Research conclusions:( 1) The thrust acting on the micropiles is approximately triangular distribution,and the thrust on each row of piles in the system is not uniform. (2) The action mechanism of each row of piles in the system is similar under lateral extrusion, and the peak value of shear force and bending moment slightly with different positions with boundary displacement. The model test and calculation results show that the failure modes of the reinforced slopes are the whole slip along the potential slip surface. (3) The results of bearing capacity analysis show that the ultimate anti - sliding force of the micropiles is greater than the designed value,which indicates that it is reasonable to use the micropiles to replace the original gravity retaining wall. (4) The research results can provide a useful basis for applications of micropiles in slope and landslide reinforcing in mountainous area.
孙书伟1,朱本珍2,谭冬生3. 微型桩在路堑边坡加固中的应用及机理分析[J]. 铁道工程学报, 2017, 34(3): 6-10.
SUN Shu - wei1,ZHU Ben - zhen2,TAN Dong - sheng3. Application and Analysis of Micropiles for Reinforcing a Expressway Cutting Slope. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 2017, 34(3): 6-10.