Research on the Maximum Temperature Difference between Core and Surface of Concrete Hollow Column during Service Period
LU Wenliang1, PENG Wenqiang1, CHEN Liangjiang2, GAO Ce1, ZHOU Yongzheng2
1. Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Corporation Limited, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:Research purposes: The maximum temperature difference between the core and surface of the concrete member is the key parameter to determine the maximum temperature gradient. The maximum temperature difference between the core and surface of the concrete member is affected by solar radiation and air temperature. Data such as solar radiation intensity are difficult to measure directly, but the ambient temperature near the member influenced by the solar radiation and air temperature can be directly measured. The temperature of each wall of concrete hollow column located in Beijing is monitored for a long time and the monitoring data are statistically analyzed. A prediction model for calculating the maximum temperature difference between the core and surface of the concrete hollow column based on the maximum ambient temperature, the amplitude of the ambient temperature change and the heating rate of the ambient temperature near the member is proposed, and the F test and T test are carried out for the accuracy of the prediction model. Research conclusions:(1) The temperature of each measuring point of the concrete hollow column presents a 24-hour period of periodic change, and the temperature change of the measuring point near the outer surface is obviously affected by the ambient temperature that near the member. (2) Under different seasonal conditions, the maximum temperature difference between the core and surface and surface cracking risk of the south wall of the concrete hollow column is greater than that of the rest of walls, and the maximum temperature difference of the core and surface of the east, west and south walls fluctuates significantly, while the maximum temperature difference of the core and surface of the north wall fluctuates less. (3) In one day, the changes of the temperature difference between the core and surface of the south wall is similar to the changes of the ambient temperature near the member, and the peak times are similar, and the change rate of temperature difference between the core and surface of the south wall is similar to the temperature rises rate of the ambient temperature that neat the member. (4) In one day, the maximum temperature difference between the core and surface of concrete hollow column is highly correlated with the maximum ambient temperature, the amplitude of the ambient temperature change and the heating rate of the ambient temperature near the member. (5) The constructed prediction model can calculate the maximum temperature difference between the core and surface of concrete hollow column more accurately, which has a reference value for determining the temperature effect of the concrete hollow tower column.
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LU Wenliang, PENG Wenqiang, CHEN Liangjiang, GAO Ce, ZHOU Yongzheng. Research on the Maximum Temperature Difference between Core and Surface of Concrete Hollow Column during Service Period. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 2023, 40(1): 34-41.
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