Abstract:Research purposes: Micro pile has been widely used in foundation reinforcement for its advantages of small diameter, high bearing capacity and simple technology. There are few researches on the bearing capacity of micro steel piles in loess area. Relying on a practical reinforcement and deviation correction project, the vertical bearing capacity test of single pile of micro steel pipe pile on site was carried out, by means of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, some conclusions were confirmed, in order to study the failure mode and bearing performance of micro steel pipe pile in loess area with large thickness. Research conclusions:(1) The bearing capacity of micro steel pipe pile determined by body material is the biggest, the bearing capacity determined by side resistance and end resistance is the least, and the bearing capacity determined by the stability is in the middle. (2) In normal working conditions, the actual bearing capacity of micro steel pipe pile is much higher than the theoretical calculation value, which is about 1.3 times more than the theoretical calculation value. (3) The micro steel pipe pile has good bearing performance and still works well when the slenderness ratio reaches 400. (4) In practice, the design of super-large slenderness ratio micro-piles is not economical and easy to buckling instability failure. (5) The research in this paper can provide reference for the research on the bearing performance of micro steel pipe piles in loess area.
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