Abstract:Research purposes: Reinforced soil retaining walls (i.e. MSE walls) are light retaining structures and are widely used in civil engineering, for example railway and highway engineering. Reinforced soil retaining wall top is often constructed to support strip footing load in fields, such as reinforced soil abutment. Although the shape of failure surface is specified in the current design code of MSE walls, the value of bearing capacity (i.e. BC) for walls under strip footing load acting on the top surface is not given. Accuracy calculation of BC of reinforced soil retaining wall under strip footing load is of great significance to effectively ensure the stability of the wall in practical engineering. Based on the failure mechanism assumed in design code and the upper bound theorem, the upper bound solution of the BC of MSE wall is obtained. Research conclusions: (1)The results of the proposed method are in good agreement with those from model tests, and it shows good accuracy.(2)The value of BC decreases nonlinearly with the increase of footing width. (3)When the strip footing is far away from the wall facing, the value of BC is relatively greater. (4)Reinforcement length has little effect on BC if it is greater than 0.7 times of wall height.(5)When the vertical arrangement of reinforcement layer is tighter, the influence of reinforcement strength on BC is more significant.(6)The relationship between backfill strength and BC is approximately linear. (7)The research results are helpful to the design and application of reinforced soil retaining walls.
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