Abstract:Research purposes: In response to the problems caused by the collapse of red bed soft rock subgrade along the railway, such as slurry, mud, and foundation settlement, the Jurassic red bed soft rock in the central and eastern Sichuan Basin was taken as the research object. Referring to the climate and environmental background conditions of the study area, an external disturbance resistance test was carried out under dry wet cycle conditions. Through quantitative analysis of multiple indicators of the disintegration process, the disintegration characteristics of red bed soft rock under dry wet cycle effects were explored, and the differences in the disintegration of red bed soft rock in different strata were clarified. The evolution law of disintegration rate with cyclic dry wet was identified. Research conclusions: (1) The variation pattern of the content of disintegrated particles with the increase of dry-wet cycles in the disintegration resistance test can be divided into three stages: the rapid reduction stage of coarse particles, the stable stage of intermediate particles, and the continuous increase stage of fine particles. (2) There are significant differences in the particle content and disintegration of red bed soft rocks in different regions, with the order of disintegration strength being Neijiang> Suining> Dazhou. (3) The disintegration law of red-bed soft rock shows that as the number of dry-wet cycles increases, the disintegration resistance index, disintegration ratio, and standard basic entropy decrease continuously, while the small particle index increases continuously. As the number of wet-dry cycles increases, the disintegration rate decreases continuously, the content of large particles decreases, while the content of small particles continues to increase, and the disintegration gradually reaches stability. (4) The research results can provide a reference and theoretical basis for railway route selection and disaster prevention of red-layer soft rock subgrade.
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