Calibration of Discrete Element Simulation Parameters of Shenyang Sand and Gravel Formation
HE Enguang1, ZHAO Wenchao2, QI Peng1, ZHOU Peng1
1. Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, Liaoning 110168, China; 2. Nanyang Vocational College of Science and Technology, Nanyang, Henan 474150, China
Abstract:Research purposes: In the process of conducting discrete element-based simulation analysis of the interaction between shield machines and sandy cobblestones, there is a mismatch between the actual sandy cobblestone parameters and the simulation parameters of the discrete element method. To address this issue, it is necessary to conduct physical and simulation tests on the sandy cobblestones from the actual construction stratum of the Ganguan Station-Qiandaohu Street Station (referred to as Gan-Qian Section) section of Line 3 of the Shenyang Metro. By taking the angle of repose as the response value, Plackett-Burman and Box-Behnken experimental designs were carried out to calibrate the simulation parameters required for discrete element simulation analysis, providing a basis for the simulation analysis of the interaction between shield machines and sandy cobblestones. Research conclusions: (1) Physical experiments measured the particle size distribution, the density of 1 719 kg/m3, and the accumulation angle of 38.68°. (2) Plackett-Burman experimental design, and screened out the factors that have a significant influence on the accumulation angle of sand gravel: sand gravel-sand gravel static friction coefficient, sand-gravel-sand gravel rolling friction coefficient, sandstone-shield machine rolling friction coefficient (3) Box-Behnken experimental design, establish a regression model between the accumulation angle and the significance factor, and the inverted optimal simulation parameters are: the static friction coefficient of sand pebble is 0.599, the rolling friction coefficient of sand pebble-sand pebble is 0.195, and the rolling friction coefficient of sand pebble-shield machine is 0.033. (4) The research results can be applied to the discrete element simulation analysis of shield tunneling machines.
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