Abstract:Research purposes: As the center of gravity of railroad construction gradually shifts to the southwest region, deep valley long-span bridges are widely used in complex and dangerous areas. Aiming at the problems of many potential risk factors and limited accuracy of traditional assessment methods for deep valley span bridges, we take a deep valley span bridge in Southwest China as the research object, establish a risk identification and optimization system based on the Delphi method (DELPHI) versus the work-risk decomposition method (WBS-RBS) and carry out the risk assessment research based on the fuzzy hierarchical analysis method (FAHP) coupled with the results of the risk matrix method (LS) to improve the accuracy and rationality of the evaluation results from both risk identification and assessment. Research conclusions: (1) The WBS-RBS is optimized by DELPHI, which can comprehensively and accurately identify potential risk sources, and the RBS risk decomposition structure system is determined based on the optimized 206 RBM identification results. (2) Adopting three-value coupling calculation to derive the risk degree to identify the significant risk sources can avoid the influence of single-value chance on the assessment results, and identify seven major risk sources, such as equipment quality defects, personnel working without safety measures, and equipment fixing connection is not secure. (3) In addition to the seven major risk sources, in order to improve the rigor of the assessment process, the unreasonable preparation of the construction program and flooding as a single-value risk source still need to be focused on. (4) The research in this paper can provide theoretical support and methodological reference for the safety risk evaluation of deep valley long-span bridges.
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