Abstract:Research purposes: For the large underground complex with super-high-rise property development, the feasibility of pre-sealing the post-poured zone of super-high-rise building settlement was studied in order not to affect the pre-operation of the podium and basement. Based on the practical project of Qinwang Square passageway in Fuyang District, Hangzhou, the calculation method of residual settlement difference was proposed by means of finite element integral modeling analysis, the calculation results were compared and verified by the actual monitoring data. Research conclusions: (1) The ratio of linear stiffness of test pile to the characteristic value of single pile bearing capacity is between 76 and 119. Compared with the characteristic value of single pile bearing capacity of 100 times of the traditional experience value, the test results are more discrete. (2) The total settlement of the tower has little relation to the number of floors, but has great relation to the stiffness of the pile foundation. (3) The pile foundation of the tower building adopts the same linear stiffness, and the number of floors is directly proportional to the total settlement. (4) The settlement of the tower building presents a linear development trend, and the theoretical calculation and monitoring data are basically consistent, because of the instability of the pile-forming process control, as a result, the stiffness of the pile line is discrete, and the settlement rate of the theoretical calculation is smaller than that of the monitoring.(5)The results of this study can provide reference for the design of pre-closing settlement post-pouring zone of super high-rise building.
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