Research on the Calculation Method of Tunnel Fault Resistant Based on Energy Release |
YUAN Jinxiu1, WANG Daoyuan1, CUI Guangyao2, TIAN Xiaolu3, YANG Yanling3, YANG Jie4, ZHANG Haotian1 |
1. Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050091, China; 2. North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China; 3. China Railway 16th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co. Ltd, Tianjin 101400, China; 4. Hebei Construction Group Co. Ltd, Baoding,Hebei 572000,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Aiming at the stability of tunnel structure in the process of fault dislocation in high intensity area, the design and calculation method of anti-dislocation is discussed from the perspective of energy release and dissipation. Firstly, the strain energy that can be released when the surrounding rock reaches stability is calculated according to the maximum dislocation momentum; Secondly, the absorbed strain energy of lining structure and surrounding rock is determined according to the load deflection curve of material and the unit strain energy within the plastic zone; Finally, the stability of "surrounding rock-tunnel" system is determined under the given safety condition. Research conclusions: (1) Based on the principle of energy release and dissipation, the calculation formula of the releasable strain energy during the dislocation of the tunnel with stick slip fault is deduced, and the calculation method of the anti-dislocation design of the tunnel lining structure based on the releasable strain energy is established, which can be used in the anti-dislocation design of the tunnel. (2) The results of the anti-dislocation design and calculation method of tunnel lining structure based on releasable strain energy are more than 17% higher than the standard safety, which is safer. (3) "SBFRC+staggered joint reduction+damping layer+expanded arch foot of initial support+thickening of secondary lining arch foot" can be used as the anti-dislocation implementation scheme of actual tunnel crossing fault section.
Received: 21 January 2022
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