Abstract:This paper is edited and t ranslated according to the book w rit ten by Н.М. Колоколов, leader of certain bureau in the fo rmerly Sov iet Union 's Mini st ry of Transportatio n Engineering. Sev eral si tuatio ns o n the co nst ructio n of railw ays in Chins and the co nst ructio n of bridg es ov er Yang t ze Riv er aided by ex pert s of Sov iet Unio n at the years just fo llowing liberatio n are mainly int roduced. As co nst ructing the Wuhan Chang jiang ex t ra-long bridge, the reinfo rced concrete ho llow tube pile foundatio ns w ere adopted. The backg round article o f this scheme i s published also in thi s paper.
邹立中 周 璞. 中国长江上的桥梁建设[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1997, 14(1): 93-96.
Zou Lizhong Zhou Pu. Construct ion of Bridges over Yangtze River in China. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1997, 14(1): 93-96.