Abstract:The Fei long Bridge on the Li tang-Qinzho u local raiway was bui lt by the Thi rd Engineering Bureau o f MOR. The const ructio n method and the ex periences fo r bui lding this bridg e w ithin the deep w ater by using the f loating crane are described in this paper. The st ructural compo sition of the floa ting crane and i ts assembly and application methods a re expounded. Th roug h the applica tion and by compari sio n wi th the cable crane, the f loating cra ne has the follow ing adva ntages, such as the low inv estment , flexible movement , hig h hoisting capaci ty , wide action scope, etc, as w el l as better safety and low maintenance period and cost. The flo ating cra ne is an idea scheme used in the co st ruction o f bridge w ithin the deep w ater to fulfi ll the lif ting and t ranspo rt w o rks in the co nst ructio n si te.
苏 斌. 在深水大桥施工中400 kN 水上浮吊的使用[J]. 铁道工程学报, 1998, 15(3): 38-43.
SU Bin. APPLICATION OF 400 kN FLOATING CRANE IN CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE WITHIN DEEP WATER. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 1998, 15(3): 38-43.