Abstract:Research purposes: A t presen,t the construct ion of ra il transit is in to peak period in Ch ina. H ow ever, the research on coordinat ion betw een rail transit network and land use is relat ively backw ard. Th is paper o ffers a coordinat ing evaluation system to he lp make a plan o f reasonable rail transit netw ork and develop the land along the rail transit.
Research conclusions: A t firs,t tw o appra isa l target system s for urban rail transit network and land use w ere put forw ard. B ased on these appraisa l target systems, w ith DEA ( Data Enve lopmentAnalysis) a coordinat ion degreemode l w as established. Then tak ing VB2005 as the platform, the G IS - based coord inating eva luation system betw een urban ra il transit netw ork and land use w as established by mak ing the secondary development w ith A rcG IS Eng ine9. 2. Fo r the plan and construction o f the ra il transit of the Changsha- Zhuzhou- X iangtan city cycle, the six dec ision unitsw ere used to calcu late the coo rd ination degrees betw een the rail transit p lan and the land use w ith coord inating eva luation system. W e can draw a conc lusion from the analysis that the coordinat ing va lue is less than 6, it is ou t o f line; the coord inating value is in 0. 6- 0. 8 in 2009, 2013 and 2014, it is in the basic coord inating status; the coordinating value is more than 0. 8 in 2015, it is in the coordinat ing status.
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