Abstract:Research purposes: Based on the frost—heaving mechanism and influence factors on the frozen soil subgrade and according to the filling materials for the bubgrade in the section,this paper discusses whether the frost—heaving of the frozen soil subgrade can be effectively controlled or not by using the 60cm thick filling material with fine grain content less than 15%except the requirements of frost—heaving for the subgrade bottom base can be met by using the crashed—stone soil with fine grain content less than 5%.
Research conclusions:Based on the analysis of frost—heaving mechanism of the subgrade and its influence factors,and tests to the frost—heaving of filling materials Group A and Group B,the discussion is made on the frost—heaving of the fixed filling materials and it is concluded the frost—heaving of the subgrade base can be effectively controlled by using the 60cm thick crashed—stone filling material with fine grain content less than 15%.However.as the influence factors on the frost—heaving are complicated and the research results have limitations,it is necessary to do the further study on remedying and improving the frost—heaving data to make the design of antifreeze filling material and structure more reasonable for the subgrade.
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