Abstract:Research purposes:Compared with construction of Harbin West Station,a new kind of retaining structure of the frame - type pile plate wall for the deep cutting was presented and the calculation and analysis were made for its structure compared with the retaining structure of the boring pile to verify its distinctions with the conventional retaining structures in the areas of load bearing,deformation and stability.
Research conclusions:(1) The frame - type pile plate wall is connected as a whole through its transverse supports to form a frame - type integral spacial structure. (2) The frame 一 type pile plate wall has the features of the evenly loading bearing, entirely coordinated deformation and high stability. So it can reach at the height that the conventional retaining structure can not reach at, with less impact on the surrounding building so that the land acquisition and demolition works can be much reduced. (3) Compared with the conventional retaining structure, the frame - type pile plate wall can play a big role in ensuring the stability of the deep cutting under complex environment and restricting the level shift of the soil on the both sides of the cutting and raising movement of the cutting foundation so that the landslide and unstability of the cutting can be effectively prevented and the stability of the whole cutting structure can be guaranteed. (4) This research result is available for the cutting project that needs high retaining and for constructions of railway and highway in the city proper with complex environment and in the narrow space,and it has the reference and applicable meanings for planing and construction of the similar railways.
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