Tunnel Deformation Monitoring System Based on Multi-agent Technique |
ZHOU Qi-cai, FAN Si-xia, ZHAO Jiong ,XIONG Xiao-lei |
Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China |
Abstract Research purposes:In order to eliminate low frequency and high cost factors in traditional tunnel monitoring and maintenance, a new tunnel deformation online monitoring system based on multi-agent is proposed. It can adapt to the new requirements for real-time monitoring maintenance.Research conclusions:(1) Based on the hierarchical component structure design idea, this paper presents a general agent model. The model consisted of three layers, which were customer perception layer, intelligent service layer and service effect layer, respectively. The internal structure of the agent was descripted separately in coarse-grained and fine-grained. (2) According to the characteristics of tunnel deformation monitoring and the general agent, a tunnel deformation monitoring system has been set up using acquaintance cooperation communication mechanism, with six-layer composite structure. Additionally, this system could realize the loosely coupled ability and low load structure. (3) The performance of prediction agent module has been validated with Shanghai metro deformation monitoring data. The experimental results showed that the system had strong autonomy, cooperation and a certain practical value, and may give references to the construction of the tunnel monitoring system.
Received: 15 January 2014
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