Abstract:Research purposes: There are many hydropower projects in Southwest China, where has frequent earthquake,sometimes line projects such as railway, highway cross reservoir. Based on a highway bridge across reservoir in Wenchuan area,this paper made a research on vibration response rules of the deep rectangular hollow bridge pier under earthquake action and its impact on the stability of the pier,improved the understanding of deep rectangular hollowbridge pier seismic response. Research conclusions:(1) Water reduces the piers natural vibration frequency,and increases pier-tops displacement and acceleration. At the same time,the internal water to pier X low - order modal frequency reduces larger, and the external water to piers high - order modal frequency reduces notable. (2 ) The internal and external water to affect the pier - tops displacement and acceleration is equal. But the dynamic response of external water to the piers internal force and stress is bigger than that of internal water. ( 3 ) When there is water,diaphragm can reduce the natural vibration frequency of pier,and has little influence of pier – top X displacement and acceleration; however it has deep effect on piers internal force and stress. And setting diaphragm,piers internal force and stress will mutate at the place of setting diaphragm. This will easily form the concentration of stress. (4) It has important significance and construction value to the optimization of deep - water hollow piers astigmatic measures.