Abstract:The driving command( i. e. traf fic co nt ro l) of the high-speed rai lw ay concerned wi th several complex problems, such as the mo de of t raf fic orga ni zation, installation of the orga ni zations, compa tible of hig h-speed system wi th medium-speed sy stem, etc, giv es di rect influence o n railw ay t raffic-ca rrying capacity and the driving safety. Combined w ith the par ticular speciali ties o f railway t ranspo rta tio n in China, the author pro poses sev eral thinking s a nd sug gestio ns fo r orga ni zing reaso nably the railw ay traf fic to obtain optimal overall benefi ts, a nd establi shing the automatic t raf fic co ntrol system to fulfi ll the requi rements of ma rket eco nomy.