Abstract:Based o n the practical summary and theo retical ex plo ratio n, the theo retical desig n fo r the mix ture ratio o f archi tectural mo rtar is put further forw ard, so as to guarantee the reaso nable uti li zatio n of raw materials in order to fulfill the requirement o n st rength of the mortar. It has very impo rtant meaning s fo r the engineering const ruction w o rks. The paper ex pounds the st reng th st raigh t-line desig n metho d fo r the theo retical mix ture ratio of architectural mortar. By applying the theo retical analysis and combined wi th the practical example, the paper ex plo res the desig n principle and the method fo r determining the theo retica l mix ture rato o f mo rta r used in the const ructio n w orks.