Abstract:Research purposes:As the new type of subgrade of passenger dedicated line has the features that there is hardening layer with graded broken stones and there is soil with unoriginal shape under the subgrade surface.It is difficult to survey,investigate and grade the hidden danger to the subgrade with the traditional drilling method or sampling method due to the limitations,the disease features and outside conference. The comprehensive geophysical exploration is the best way for the comprehensive exploration.
Research conclusions: From the study and summarization on the comprehensive geophysical exploration for the subgrade,it is concluded: (1) The high density electrical sounding or high density resistivity methods should be used for the weak cutting with high water content.(2) The transient rayleigh - wave method should be used for the weak cutting with low compactness.(3) The GPR,transient rayleigh - wave and CPT methods can be used for the contacting parts of the cutting and embankment.(4) The GPR and transient rayleigh - wave methods are available for the water logging or water damaged subgrade. By using these methods,the subgrade status and its disease location,size and range can be revealed accurately,and therefore the hidden danger to the subgrade can be detected accurately and controlled timely to lay a solid foundation for the normal operation of the high - speed railway.
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