Abstract:Research purposes:With the continuous promotion and application of Building Information Model (BIM) in railway station building engineering, a large amount of basic digital assets will be formed after the completion of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to study new technical methods to improve the reuse rate of BIM basic data assets, solve the problems of large component resources, and the difficulty of data expansion in downstream users of the model, and achieve efficient utilization of BIM results, forming a railway passenger station digital base, and providing a basic data service platform for comprehensive business applications of digital twins. Research conclusions:(1) Based on BIM model, a railway passenger station data base is built using a visualization engine platform and relational database, to achieve digital delivery of 3D design results. (2) From the perspective of geometric and non geometric data processing, a lightweight development application of the system based on the digital analog separation technology route has been developed. (3) Through engineering application practice, the feasibility and completeness of this technical solution have been verified, which can support downstream users to expand and extend business functions using model data information.
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