Abstract:Research purposes: The structure of the subway station is buried deep underground, once it is damaged by an earthquake, disaster prevention, rescue, and post-disaster repair will be very difficult, and will cause huge economic losses and casualties. Improving the earthquake resilience of subway stations is an important guarantee for sustainable development. This paper aims to propose a simple and practical method for evaluating the seismic toughness of subway stations, which can be used to evaluate the seismic toughness of typical subway stations under different site conditions and provide a decision basis for improving the toughness of subway stations. Research conclusions: (1) The seismic toughness evaluation method not only considers the structural part but also considers the non-structural components, which is more reasonable and real. (2) The seismic vulnerability curves of subway station structures provided in this paper are more comprehensive and practical, considering the situations of underground two-storey single-span, two storey double-span, and two-storey triple-span in class Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲsites, respectively. (3) With the increasing number of subway station spans, the overtaking probability decreases under different damage states, and the station tends to be safe; As the stratum decreases from the Class Ⅰ site to the Class Ⅲsite, the overrunning probability becomes larger under different damage states, and the station tends to be dangerous. (4) The results of this paper can be used to evaluate the seismic toughness of subway stations.
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