Abstract:Research purposes: Building the strategic management and control system is an urgent work for the central enterprise and more attention is paid by the central enterprises. According to the characteristics of the central enterprises,and starting with the nature,the intension and features of the strategic management and control,this paper analyses the problems in the strategic management and control of the central enterprise and points out the principles and contents of building strategic management and control system to set up a set of strategic management and control system for central enterprises for providing the theoretic basis and important reference to building strategic management and control system for central enterprise.
Research conclusions: To build the strategic management and control system for central enterprise is crucial to improving the enterprise ability in the strategic management and control and reducing the enterprise risk. According to the strategic management and control characteristics of the enterprise,the central enterprises should master the scientific rules,follow the systemic design principles and comprehensively consider the relationships among the every factor, various levels and various bodies to set up a set of proper strategic management and control systems for enterprises development. The central enterprises should carry out the loop execution according to PDCA,and by the feedback and effect evaluation,the strategic management and control can be improved continuously.
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