Zhang Guoxia ng |
Chang sha Rai lway Insti tute |
Abstract In thi s paper, the stability safety coefficient o f a point in soi l and the judgment method of the w hole soil stability are presented according to the Mohr-Coulomb st reng th theo ry , a nd th e method o f determining the most dang er failure surface o f soi l i s proved by the theo ry. The stability o f w hole soi l ca n be a nalysed by the who le soil st ress a nalysed result s. The metho d can be used also to a nalyse the soi l stabi li ty problem of g round bearing capaci ty and slo pe stabili ty. The g round bea ring capaci ty is analy sed in thi s paper , a nd i t s resul ts show that the cal culated bearing capacity in this metho d is mo re closer to the sug gested v alue of sta nda rds than the t raditional pla stic load. The practice and co rrect of this method are tested and verified.
Received: 23 July 1996