The International Railway Association, UIC, will hold the 10th UIC Noise Workshop in Paris on 15 March 2016.
This event will focus on the latest issues at European level for the management of railway noise. Topics will include the forth coming Communication by the European Commission on Rail Freight Noise, track maintenance for noise control, national developments and the latest guidance from the World Health Organisation.
As with previous years, speakers will be invited to represent the major stakeholders, including the European Commission (DG MOV & DG ENV), representatives from national ministries, freight operators, infrastructure managers, the World Health Organisation, UIC and CER.
Opportunities will be provided for participants to pose questions directly to European Commission policy officers and other key stakeholders as well as to discuss the current issues.
There is no charge for participation, however places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Pubdate: 2015-10-12    Viewed: 12