Journal of Railway Engineering Society, launched in 1984, is directed by China Association for Science and Technology, is sponsored by China Railway Society, China Railway Engineering Corporation and China Railway Group Limited. It is a comprehensive academic journal for railway engineering theory (including the construction technology). It mainly publishes the research achievements in the field of railway engineering, bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, urban rail construction, geology and subgrade, blasting technology, building, electrification, engineering machinery, computer technology, engineering economy and management, as well as research contributions from other railway engineering construction related disciplines.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society sets up a serial columns as special theoretical research, professional research, engineering safety quality analysis, project construction management review and other columns. The targeted readers of this journal are mainly engineering and technical personnel and management personnel who are engaged in theoretical research, technology development and construction of the production department, the colleges and universities teachers, graduate students and senior students.
The domestic unified serial number of Journal of Railway Engineering Society is CN11-3567/U; the international standard serial number is ISSN 1006-2106. Now it is a monthly and publishes at home and abroad. It is the national Chinese Core Periodical, Core Journal of China Association for Science and Technology, China Journal Full-text Database source journal, Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database statistics source journal, China Association for Science and Technology Periodical Database source journal, China Academic Journal's Digest source journals, Chinese Core Journal (Selected) Database source journals.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society has been embodied by many internationally well-known index systems or publications, such as: international EI COMPENDEX databases, U.S. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts(Natural Sciences), PolandIndex of Copernicus,U.S. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Pubdate: 2015-10-12    Viewed: 15