Abstract The paper ex plains as fol lowing aspect s. By a pplying the high-lev el lang uag e prog ramming for calcula ting the plane data a nd the coo rdina tes o f the mi leag e-points, a resultant statement may be accompli shed. By appplying AutoCAD sof tw are fo r taking auto mapmaking data, a pla n of railway t racks wi th only t rack-lines may be plo tted. Finally , drawing a no rmal-line from the mi leag e-point , the intersecting point s of no rmal-line wi th t rack-lines may be fo und o ut by the mark scanning , a nd the dista nces betw een sev eral t rack-lines co rrespo nding to a certain mi leag e-point may be obtained at one time . Therfo re, it is v ery conv enient for the sectio ns w ith plenty calculating points and complx curv es.
Received: 09 January 1997