Prestressed Construct ion of Beam with Cable-Stayed Concrete Continuous Truss for Weiyun River Extra-Long Bridge of Jing-Jiu Railway |
Zhang Linguang |
Fourteenth Rai lw ay Engineering Bureau, Mini stry of Rai lway s |
Abstract Thi s paper introduces the prest ressed co nst ructio n tech nique of the beam of Weiyun Riv er ex t ra-lo ng bridg e with cable-stay ed concrete continuo us t russ. The co nst ruction methods o f prest ressad aperture of complex prest ressed structures, the determination of the tensional sequence of steel cables, the methods of prestressed fo rce co ntro l a nd the art fo r gro uting prest ressed aper tures are di scussed in detail. Calcula ting methods o n prest ressed construction are presented, and the co nst ructio n w o rks of the structures of the Weiyun Riv er majo r bridg e are described briefly in thi s paper.
Received: 24 January 1997