Abstract The author surpervi sed a nd participa ted in the outdoo r a nd indo or g eo logica l w o rks fo r the feasibi li ty research of the Chuan-Za ng a nd the Dian-Za ng railway lines. The natural ci rcumstances alo ng these tw o rai lwa y lines w ere v ery complex , such as the complex to pog raphy and geolog y, be sparsely po pulated, harsh climate, thin atmosphere, cool w ith high alti tude, lack o f ox yg en, v ery dif ficul t communicatio n, ex t remely hard living conditions, etc. Furthermore, o nly a sma ll amount o f regional geological info rmatio ns could be o btained. by fully applying the superio ri ties of the remo te sensing image w ith wide cov ering a rea, plenty info rmatio ns, low cost, rapid speed a nd hig h ef ficiency , the autho r determined and v eri fied the topo g raphic and g eo logic condi tio ns along these tw o lines having a leng th nearly 2000 km。Thus, the necessary engineering geological info rmatio ns fo r making feasibi li ty research w ere proposed, and a fo undation was laid to promo te the remo te sensing technique.
Received: 06 November 1997