HUANG Xiuyun ZHANG Qing QIAO Chunsheng |
No rthern Jiao to ng Universi ty |
Abstract In current underg round engineering , especial ly in sig nificant underg ro und engineering, assessing the stabi li ty of surrounding rock, desig ning suppo rt a nd moni to ring& forecasting a re g radually closely inco rpo rated. The pro ject that w e now face wi th a nd that is w aiting fo r so lving quickly is how to integ rate them into a sof twa re. Thi s paper bring s up using meta-sy stem method to integ rate the systems. The maintainabi li ty act s as an impo rtant role in the integ ra ted sof tw are, the object-oriented know ledge presentatio n and the object-o riented inference machine provide fav orable co ndi tio ns for maintaining the system.
Received: 24 June 1998
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