Abstract There a re 16 sta tions o n the No. I line of the Guang zhou Metro w ith a to tal leng th o f 18. 48 km. A lo t o f suppo rting tech niques fo r the deep foundation pit w ere used in the const ructio n of Guang zhou metro 's 14 underg round sta tio ns. Based on the inv estig atio n and research o f these suppo rting techniques in co nst ructio n si te, the paper ex po unds the di fferent mode of the suppor ting st ructures a nd thei r co nst ructio n methods, and analy zes thei r a pplication ef fects. The cor respo nding co nclusions o n the suppor ting desig n a nd const ruction methods fo r deep fo unda tion pit w hich are sui table fo r dif ferent g eological co ndi tio ns of Guang zhou met ro a re also propo sed.
Received: 07 July 1998