Abstract The Qinling Tunnel consists of tw o sing le t rack tunnels. The dista nce betw een these tw o tunnels is 30m. The No. Ⅱ line o f Qinling Tunnel w as co nst ructed as a parallel heading at fi rst. The co nst ructio n of the tunnel is a test a nd v erification ag ainst the desig n g eolo gic w orks. From the surv eying procedure and method, as w el l as the selectio n o f the scheme across the Qinling Mo untain, so as to the fo recast a nd v erificatio n resul ts concerned w ith the crustal st ress in tunnel, ro ck burst, thermal defect , w ater gushing , radioactiv ity, unstabli ty of surro unding rock, etc, the compariso ns and analy ses hav e been put fo rwa rd. The w o rking method is v alua ble as reference and has g uiding ro le fo r g eo logic w o rks of la rg escale essentai l eng ineering pro jects.
Received: 04 August 1998