Abstract The computer applica tion in enterpri se ma nagement is a necessary passage f rom the experiential manag ement to the modernized manag ement fo r the enterprises. It ca n g uarantee the dif ferent data updated, accura te and reliable, so as to o btain small wo rking time, high ef ficiency , low cost , economic expenses and to enhance the competi tiv eness of the enterpri se. Combined wi th the speciali ties of the cadre ma nagement w o rks in the rai lway co nst ruction enterprises, the paper expounds how to dev elop the role of the computer as a too l fo r servicing the cadre manag ement wo rks. The a uthor proposes hi s o pinio ns emphatically f rom the following three aspects: t reatment for g eneral affai rs, ma nagement cont rol and manag ement systems.
Received: 16 September 1998