JIAGN Hong |
China Rai lw ay Engineering General Corporation |
Abstract Based o n the analyses o n di fferent schemes fo r const ructing railw ays tow ard Xi zang sug gested and w rit ten by ex pert s publi shed in sev eral rai lw ay periodicals i ssued in recent y ears. a comprehensiv e analy sis has been put fo rwa rd in this paper. It i s sugg ested that the const ruction o f railw ays tow ard Xi zang should be accomplished wi thin tw o const ruction stag es. The main target of the fi rst stag e w ill be the const ruction of an impo rtant th ro ug h t ruck line by combining the Chua n-Zang Rai lway wi th the Hu-Yu Railw ay so as to enlarg ethe scope of the Chinese rai lway netw o rk towa rd the w est mo re widely ( i. e. the Shanghai- Lasa Railway ) . The Chuan-Zang Raiway may adopt the comprehensive Chuanzang-Ganza ng-Dianza ng shceme so as to economize the inv estment , to speed up the const ruction a nd to o rgani ze the w orkers more co nvenient ly. The main target of the second stag e w ill be aimed atto fill up the gaps in rai lway netw ork of the West China, espcially fo r co nnecting Xi zang w ith Qinghai and Xinjiang.
Received: 04 October 1998