WU Chengsan |
China Rai lw ay Engineering General Corporation |
Abstract The paper introduces the bridges bui lt on the high-speed railw ays in Germa ny. The main specialities o f these bridges are high rigidi ty , easy to be inspected and repai red, as w ell a s the applica tion o f UIC 71 standard loading. According to ty pes of the bridg e, the paper ex po unds the co ntents of the desig n for bridg es wi th prest ressed co ncrete gi rders, steel gi rders and composi te beams. The common essential among these bridg es is to limit their def lections wi thin certain v alue. Besides, the di fferent cross-sectio n of these bridg es a re proposed. They are valuable as reference fo r the design o f the bridg es o n high-speed railw ay in China. The autho r co nsiders tha t the U IC sta nda rd loading i s mo re reaso nable, a nd sug gests o nce more tha t w e should apply the UIC 71 standard loading instead of the exi sting China railw ay standard liv e loading.
Received: 10 June 1998
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