WANG Cexun |
The 3rd Surv ey a nd Desig n Insti tute of Ministry of Rai lway s |
Abstract This pa per review s the g rowing o f the railw ay passeng er f low and the existing problems of the passeng er t ra nspo rt facilities. Af ter the establi shment of the Peo ple 's Republic of China, acco rding to th e actual situa tion of the rai lway and our count ry , steps hav e been taken to upg rade and renew the existing passeng er eg uipments a nd to further build up new passenger stations in some main point s. Af ter a long practical o peratio n, the abov e mentioned principles a re v ery beneficial and useful in the const ruction o f the passenger stations. In recent 10 y ea rs, the const ruction of other t ranspo rt faci li ties dev elo ps rapidly , especially the construction o f highw ay i s mo re rapidly than railw ay. Pro spect o f the future, the railway must speed up the step of dev eloment , and renov ation the co nst ructio n of the railw ay must meet the so cial dev elo pment and the needs of the people.
Received: 04 June 1998
1 王策勋.我国铁路枢纽建设的经验和问题[ J].铁道工程学报, 1997, ( 1) 29~ 36 |