ZHANG Wen-xian |
The Engineering Superv isio n Depar tment of Thi rd Surv ey and Desig n Insti tute of MO R |
Abstract In the co nst ructing process o f non-displacement piles, w hich are the pa rts of the no rth bridg e o f the Na njing Seco nd Yang t ze Riv er Bridg e, w e to ok the supervision measures of `sev en rigidi ties’ ,` six test s’ ,` fo ur requirements’ , ` eight sta nda rds’ and w ar ra nted that the eligibility rate came to 100 percent. The paper int roduces in detai l the quali ty cont ro l procedures in the prepa ring stage and const ruction stage o f the piles, as w ell a s the understanding s on th e supervisio n w orks.
Received: 16 January 2000