DONG Jie1,YE Ming-Gang1,XU Chang-yun2 |
1College of Resources and Environment of Guizhou University ; 2The Third Railway Survey &Design Institute of China Railway |
Abstract The thesis is based on the several existing theories about the design and calculation of cantilever retaining wall which has been widely used for strengthening the slope stability. In our country, some conventional methods using the balance principle of outer force are usually made use of to resolve a series of problems about the cantilever retaining wall. Normally, traditional methods ignore the influence of inner force itself. So the results are not exact enough to meet some needs of engineers. Some novelty techniques emerge in the calculation field of civil engineering, such as the finite element method and so on. These methods help us to recognize and analyze complex problems further. The geotechnical mechanism and structural mechanism are also developed in the meantime. The interact influence between mass rock and the structure has not been recognized thoroughly. The speed of development of calculation level about the cantilever retaining wall is still too low to meet the demands which are virtually derived from engineers. The article is based on the advanced geotechnical mechanism and rock mass mechanism, and the finite element method is also used to calculate the inner force of cantilever retaining wall. There are many factors which contribute to the endogen force distribution and deformation of cantilever retaining wall. Considering all these, the writes mainly analyze the relationship between the strength of foundation trench and the distribution of endogen force. The deformations of the cantilever retaining wall are compared in different conditions. The field deformation and failure model of different strength conditions are studied at the same time. The imitating and calculation model of cantilever retaining wall is set up according to the factual physical and mechanical properties of foundation trench and slope above it. Recording the variable date including the strength of foundation trench, the endogen force and deformation of cantilever retaining wall in several different conditions is essential by virtue of study purpose. The variation of the strain energy is also observed in the same zone of cantilever retaining wall. According to the study and analysis, the loss of the ability to retain is not always due to the crack of the concrete and steel which compose the wall body, the destruction of foundation trench is also an critical reason. So compacting the foundation trench is indispensable in the process of construction for cantilever retaining wall. In sum, the present calculation theories are not prefect, the article are hoped to be benefit to the design and calculation of the cantilever retaining wall.
Received: 17 May 2005
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